Föstudagur 27. desember, 2024
3.8 C

Léttist um tæp átta kíló á níu dögum með því að borða bara kartöflur


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Grínistinn Kevin Smith deildi því með heiminum í lok febrúar að hann hefði fengið hjartaáfall sem dró hann næstum því til dauða. Í hlaðvarpi sínu Hollywood Babble-On segir hann að hjartaáfallið hafi breytt sýn sinni á lífið og að hann hafi endurskoðað mataræði sitt í kjölfarið.

I was trying to do a killer standup special this evening but I might’ve gone too far. After the first show, I felt kinda nauseous. I threw up a little but it didn’t seem to help. Then I started sweating buckets and my chest felt heavy. Turns out I had a massive heart attack. The Doctor who saved my life at the #glendale hospital told me I had 100% blockage of my LAD artery (also known as “the Widow-Maker” because when it goes, you’re a goner). If I hadn’t canceled the second show to go to the hospital, the Doc said I would’ve died tonight. For now, I’m still above ground! But this is what I learned about myself during this crisis: death was always the thing I was most terrified of in life. When the time came, I never imagined I’d ever be able to die with dignity – I assumed I’d die screaming, like my Dad (who lost his life to a massive heart attack). But even as they cut into my groin to slip a stent into the lethal Widow-Maker, I was filled with a sense of calm. I’ve had a great life: loved by parents who raised me to become the individual I am. I’ve had a weird, wonderful career in all sorts of media, amazing friends, the best wife in the world and an incredible daughter who made me a Dad. But as I stared into the infinite, I realized I was relatively content. Yes, I’d miss life as it moved on without me – and I was bummed we weren’t gonna get to make #jayandsilentbobreboot before I shuffled loose the mortal coil. But generally speaking, I was okay with the end, if this was gonna be it. I’ve gotten to do so many cool things and I’ve had so many adventures – how could I be shitty about finally paying the tab. But the good folks at the Glendale hospital had other plans and the expertise to mend me. Total strangers saved my life tonight (as well as my friends @jordanmonsanto & @iamemilydawn, who called the ambulance). This is all a part of my mythology now and I’m sure I’ll be facing some lifestyle changes (maybe it’s time to go Vegan). But the point of this post is to tell you that I faced my greatest fear tonight… and it wasn’t as bad as I’ve always imagined it’d be. I don’t want my life to end but if it ends, I can’t complain. It was such a gift. #KevinSmith

A post shared by Kevin Smith (@thatkevinsmith) on

„Ég á aldrei eftir að borða ein og ég gerði. Mataræði mitt fyrir var ekki hræðilegt. Heldur var það mataræði mitt í barnæsku, sögðu læknarnir,“ segir Kevin.

Að sögn Kevins sögðu læknarnir honum að hann þyrfti að léttast um tæp 23 kíló og til að verða við því ákvað Kevin að skella sér á kartöflukúrinn, sem Penn Jilette gerði frægan í bók sinni Presto!: How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear. Í bókinni fjallar Penn um mataræði sitt, þar sem hann borðaði aðeins kartöflur í tvær vikur.

Kevin er búinn að vera á kartöflukúrnum í aðeins níu daga en hefur nú þegar misst tæp átta kíló.

„Þetta tekur á en hefur verið áhugavert,“ segir Kevin um mataræðið. „Og auðvitað nauðsynlegt fyrir heilsuna mína og þannig. En þegar ég kemst á góðan stað held ég að ég byrji að borða aftur.“


Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. Mannlíf áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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