Fimmtudagur 9. janúar, 2025
-4.2 C

Flóttamannabúðir á Íslandi að springa- Fær ekki mat því hann týndi grímunni – „Þetta er hryllingur“


- Auglýsing -


- Auglýsing -

Samkvæmt flóttamanni sem skrifar á Facebook-síðuna Refugees in Iceland þá eru flóttamannabúðirnar við Ásbrú, líkt og hann kallar þær, að springa. Þar búa nú ríflega 100 manns í einu húsi. Matur er af skornum skammti og sumir vilja frekar fara aftur í alræmdar flóttamannabúðir í Grikklandi.

Maðurinn segir að fólkið þar fái ekki að fara úr herbergjum sínum án þess að vera með grímu. Það er ef til vill skiljanlegt en þeim hefur bara verið úthlutuð ein einnota gríma á mann. Fólk sem týnir grímunum eða þær skemmast ekki nýja grímu.

Enn fremur er fær fólk ekki afhentan mat nema það hafi grímu. Einn maður hefur ekki borðað í þrjá daga vegna þess. Búið er að loka sameiginlegu eldhúsi svo ekki er hægt að elda sjálfur. „Það þarf að loka þessum búðum […] Þetta er hryllingur,“ skrifar maðurinn en færslu hans má lesa í heild sinni hér fyrir neðan á ensku.

We are writing from Ásbrú camp, things here are not OK!
-Since one week the immigration office has severely limited our rights and freedom, which were both very limited before this time.
-We are not allowed to leave our rooms without wearing a mask. The immigration gave us ONE MASK per person. The masks are SINGLE USE masks. They want us to use it continuously over the period of many days. Besides this being absolutely unsanitary and counterproductive, we also have situations where people who have lost their masks or thrown them away are not allowed to get a new one and not allowed to exit their rooms.
– We now get less money on our shoppingcards, and our weekly income is now the total of 5100 isk.
-All communal areas have been closed, including the kitchen. This means we have no facilities to make our own food. (Note that this only happened one week ago, when the second wave of infections is already starting to go down).
-We get served food two times per day and if we do not come to get our food in the designated time (12:00-13:00 and 18:00-19:00), we do not get any food.
-The food is inappropriate for people with challenging health conditions. For example the men living here who have diabetes and this food is making them quite sick.
-One of the men with diabetes lost his single use face mask and the security here in Ásbrú HAS DENIED HIM FOOD FOR THREE DAYS. They also refuse to give him a new mask. We are waiting to complain to the immigration about this maltreatment, but they have been unreachable the whole weekend.
– Currently there is around 105 people living in one single building in Ásbrú.
-The security guards are there to keep us imprisoned, not to „make us safe“ as the immigration claims.
-We are suffering from psychological pressure, not being able to go out or do anything else than stay inside for months on end, we are suffering from hunger due not enough food and bad food. People have started to ask for voluntary return to Greece. A place they fled from to seek more security here.
-This should say everything about the current situation in Ásbrú refugee camp. It needs to be closed down or the isolation needs to be ended. By now everyone should understand the psychological pressure of staying in isolation like this. It is horrible, even though one’s room is not bad.
Why can we not enjoy the same rights as other people living in Iceland? We are human beings too. We want to live and thrive, we want to contribute to society.


Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. Mannlíf áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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- Auglýsing -

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