Miðvikudagur 5. febrúar, 2025
0.8 C

Jenna Jameson er mikilll talsmaður ketó


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Leikkonan Jenna Jameson hefur verið ötull talsmaður ketó-mataræðisins undanfarið. Hún segir ketó hafa gert kraftaverk fyrir sig.

Reglulega birtir Jenna myndir af sér á Instagram til að sýna hvaða breytingum líkami hennar hefur tekið eftir að hún byrjaði á ketó.

Jenna gaf áfengisdrykkju einnig upp á bátinn og hún segir það hafa breytt miklu.

Hún viðurkennir í sinni nýjustu Instagram-færslu að það sé svo sannarlega krefjandi að birta gamlar myndir af sér, frá þeim tíma sem hún var ósátt við sjálfa sig, en að hún vilji gera það til að veita öðrum innblástur. Hún mælir þá eindregið með að fólk taki ljósmyndir af sér áður en það byrjar á ketó.

„Ég hataði að sjá þessar myndir áður en ég fór að sjá árangur. En ef þú ert að hefja þína vegferð eða að íhuga að byrja á ketó þá ráðlegg ég þér að taka myndir.“

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Here goes nothing. #motivationmonday UUUGH. I didn’t want to post this before picture. But once I mulled it over in my mind, I realized how important normalizing women’s true bodies is. This is normal. This is beautiful. My transition to health has helped me realize a lot of my connection to “skinniness” was unhealthy. It’s very possible to be thin and frightening unhealthy. So thickness does not equate to being sick, but mine was. I was pre diabetic, and a literal sloth. I remember back when I weighed 80 lbs and was starving myself… I thought that was pretty at the time but had no clue. I’m now a healthy size 4 and can keep up with my kids. Hallelujah! So remember these #beforeandafter pictures aren’t just to show the esthetics of being slim, they show hard work and attention to my inside health. This is a years worth of recalibration and focus. So in closing, remember how important your precious health is… don’t stress on what is staring back at you in that mirror. #ketotransformation #ketodiet #beforeandafterweightloss #cellulite #keto #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #intermittentfasting

A post shared by Jenna Jameson Bitton (@jennacantlose) on

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Now that my three stepsons are here for the next few months, it’s so important I focus and keep on track. Preparing meals for kids while avoiding excessive carbs isn’t easy. So I make sure I make meals that we all can enjoy together, while the carbs are easily subtracted for me! I love making spaghetti bolognese for them, and I just eat mine with zucchini noodles! Also I will roast chicken or brisket with potatoes and I’ll forgo the spuds. Moral of this post is, being a #keto mom is quite doable! Make sure you keep up with my stories to see my amazing boys from Israel 🇮🇱 #beforeandafterweightloss #momlife #beforeandafter #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #ketotransformation #ketodiet #ketosis #intermittentfasting #ketomom

A post shared by Jenna Jameson Bitton (@jennacantlose) on

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