Föstudagur 10. janúar, 2025
-0.2 C

Það er allt hægt á súlunni


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- Auglýsing -

Súludans hefur notið mikilla vinsælda síðustu misseri og margir sem hafa fallið fyrir íþróttinni.

Fyrirtækið og líkamsræktarstöðin Power Pole Sports hefur bryddað upp á skemmtilegum leik á Instagram, þar sem forsvarsmenn fyrirtækisins hvetja iðkendur súlusportsins að birta myndir og myndbönd af sér á súlunni að gera hversdagslega hluti.

Margar myndanna eru ansi hreint skemmtilegar, en þar sjást konur meðal annars sinna húsverkum, borða, leika á hljóðfæri og hjóla á súlunni. Við elskum þessar myndir og myndbönd!

❤️❤️❤️ #WeekendPowerPoleProject Week of: 03/30/2018 Project: #pdEveryDay ❤️❤️❤️ Aaaahahahahahha! Laundry day when you’re a pole dancer from @fiapolerina!! ???????? Bra on the foot is a great touch!! ? Fantastic submission for this week’s #WeekendPowerPoleProject, #pdEveryday!!??? @powerpolesports #weekendpowerpoleproject #pdeveryday ____ Show us your EVERYDAY LIFE, but on the POLE! We’ll give you lots of examples and inspo but we’re looking for how your ordinary life would look ON THE POLE! You can do this one individually, as doubles or triples, and we would LOVE to see this one done with an entire GROUP THEME so submit your CLASS PROJECTS for this one too! We can’t WAIT to see what you come up with! This is going to be an INCREDIBLY fun one! TAG YOUR POLE FRIENDS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROJECT WITH YOU!! ??????‍♀️ @powerpolesports #WeekendPowerPoleProject #pdEveryDay ❤️ __________ ✅ IMPORTANT: We usually require that your moves be NEW to submit for the project, however, for THIS week, we will also accept previously done pictures, BUT YOU MUST POST THEM AGAIN this week with all the appropriate project tags for feature! ??? __________ FOR FEATURE: ✅1️⃣ FOLLOW @powerpolesports ✅2️⃣ NEW ???? FOLLOW THE HASHTAG #WeekendPowerPoleProject ✅3️⃣ POST your high quality photo or video submission (YOUR SUBMISSIONS MUST BE NEWLY POSTED TO QUALIFY) ✅4️⃣ YOU NEED 3 TAGS IN YOUR POST ???? @powerpolesports #WeekendPowerPoleProject #pdEveryDay. ???? ALL 3 TAGS must be in your ORIGINAL POST description, and not in comments. ❤️ We do a new Weekend Power Pole® Project every Friday, complete with breakdown and slo-mo videos and tutorials. Each project runs from Friday to the following Thursday. You have a FULL WEEK TO ENTER EVERY PROJECT! FOLLOW @powerpolesports AND FOLLOW HASHTAG #WeekendPowerPoleProject to learn NEW MOVES EVERY WEEK! ❤️ www.powerpolesports.com ❤️ #powerpole ® #powerpolesports #polechallenge #pdnewmoves – #pdchallenge #polepose #pdtrick #poleshapes #pdtricks #poleshape #igpoledance #ig_poledance #poleathome #homepole #staticpole #polewife #poledancingmotivation #poleathome #homepole #homepoler

A post shared by Kriston Leagh ∙ Power Pole® (@powerpolesports) on


Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. Mannlíf áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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