Mánudagur 3. mars, 2025
-0.2 C

Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir í samstarfi við Tino Seubert


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- Auglýsing -

Á dögunum kynnti Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir vöruhönnuður nýja línu af ljósum sem hún hannaði í samstarfi við Tino Seubert.


Ljósin voru frumsýnd þann 20. september síðastliðinn í 19 Greek Street í London þar sem Theodóra og Seubert opnuðu samsýningu. Ljósalínan ber heitið Corrugation sem fangar vel hugmyndafræði og form hönnunarinnar.

Ásamt ljósunum verða einnig önnur verk til sýnis, þar á meðal nýir stólar úr smiðju Tino og borð eftir Theodóru sem eru nokkurs konar framhald af hönnunarverkefni hennar Mould sem margir þekkja.

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YES! We are open! Join us at 19 Greek Street as part of @l_d_f_official where we will be launching Corrugation, a new collection of lights in collaboration between @theodoraalfreds and @tinoseubert
Alongside the collection we will each be showcasing individual projects based on our earlier work:
Anodised Wicker | Aluminium stools in new finishes by Tino Seubert and Mould | Ceramic side tables by Theodora Alfredsdottir, an extension of her previous mould studies.

Welcome drinks on Friday September 20, 6.30pm-9.30pm
19 Greek Street

Opening hours;
Wednesday September 18 – Saturday September 21
Sunday September 22
12pm – 6pm

RSVP [email protected] / [email protected]

Our design works will be accompanied by paintings by Fabrice Lachant and throughout the duration of the exhibition Marc Peridis will curate a series of talks How to build a legacy. Photo by @davidwilman_studio #corrugation #lights #design #making #designers #theodóraalfreðsdóttir #aluminium #veneerforming #19GreekStreet #London #designweek #collaboration #wood #veneer #colours #LDNdesignfair #londondesignfair  #LDF19 #londondesignfestival  #interiordesign #spatialdesign

A post shared by Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir (@theodoraalfreds) on

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Last day! Join us at 19 Greek Street as part of @l_d_f_official where we will be launching Corrugation, a new collection of lights in collaboration between @theodoraalfreds and @tinoseubert
Alongside the collection we will each be showcasing individual projects based on our earlier work:
Anodised Wicker | Aluminium stools in new finishes by Tino Seubert and Mould | Ceramic side tables by Theodora Alfredsdottir, an extension of her previous mould studies.

19 Greek Street

Opening hours;
Sunday September 22
12pm – 6pm

Our design works is accompanied by paintings by Fabrice Lachant and throughout the duration of the exhibition Marc Peridis will curate a series of talks How to build a legacy. Photo by @davidwilman_studio #corrugation #lights #design #making #designers #theodóraalfreðsdóttir #aluminium #veneerforming #19GreekStreet #London #designweek #collaboration #wood #veneer #colours #LDNdesignfair #londondesignfair  #LDF19 #londondesignfestival  #interiordesign #spatialdesign

A post shared by Theodóra Alfreðsdóttir (@theodoraalfreds) on


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