Sunnudagur 9. mars, 2025
-4.2 C

Animal abuser in Mosfellsdalur valley – Hilda caught him with his pants down


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Hilda Allansdóttir, a hiker, recently came across a man who was penetrating a horse. In an interview with DV, Hilda explains that the man seemed to be extremely embarrassed and hurried away. He spoke English and seemed angered by her intervention, clenching his fist and shouting: „You are just making trouble. Go away.“

„I came across him and he seemed very spooked. He lay there with his pants down. I immediately called the police and actually talked to them the whole time I was following him up from the valley,“ Hilda explains.

The police recommended that she follow the man, but the abuser managed to escape, fleeing into a forest above Reykjalundur. However, last Monday, she came across the man again.

„I always run in the morning, but on Monday I had the day off. Usually I take a mountain run but this particular day I decided to run into Reykja-neighbourhood. I ran into the tunnel at Brúarland. I am in the tunnel when I see the same manI saw in the valley. I recognised his bag and clothes. „

Police then managed to arrest the man. Read more on this at DV.


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This article was originally published in Icelandic by Hjálmar Friðriksson.


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