Föstudagur 10. janúar, 2025
-0.2 C

Hjálpar fólki að lækka kaloríufjöldann með einföldum hætti


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Amanda Meixner heldur úti Instagram-síðunni meowmeix, sem hefur notið gríðarlegra velgengni síðustu misseri.

Amanda birtir alls kyns fróðleik um mat og mataræði á síðunni, og hjálpar fólki til að mynda að lækka kaloríufjöldann sem það innbyrðir á einfaldan og myndrænan hátt.

Amanda hefur til að mynda birt tvær myndir hlið við hlið af skál með grískri jógúrt, ávöxtum og súkkulaði. Önnur skálin inniheldur 472 kaloríur en hin 899 kaloríur. Við myndina fer hún yfir hvað það er sem gerir aðra skálina næstum því helmingi kaloríuríkari en hina, en í henni er sett meira hunang, súkkulaði og kasjúsmjör.

What do you think the differences are? ? First off, let me just say this combo is ridiculously good ? Second off, below is a breakdown of each side & some tips to save calories: . Lower cal treat: 1 cup 2% Greek yogurt 1 tsp honey 20g 85% dark chocolate 1 cup blueberries 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 tbsp cashew butter . Higher cal treat: 1 cup 2% Greek yogurt 1 tbsp honey 60g 85% dark chocolate 1/2 cup blueberries 1/4 cup strawberries 2 1/2 tbsp cashew butter . Tips to save calories: 1 – Balance healthy fats with low calorie fruits. Add more fruit instead of overdoing the chocolate which saves a lot of calories. 2 – Watch the nut butter portions! 1/2 tbsp is much different in calories than 2 1/2 tbsp. 3 – Watch the honey! While it makes a great natural sweetener, the sugar calories add on quick. . Inspo cred: @movingdietitian ❤️ . . #healthyeating #cleaneating #fitfood #mealprep #dessert #healthyfood #foodprep #chocolate #nutrition #protein #mealplan #yogurt #icecream #weightloss #cleaneats #dessertporn #healthylife #healthylifestyle #mealprepsunday #healthychoices #mealprepping #macros #sweets #mealprepmonday #baking #sweettooth #desserts #flexibledieting #healthyliving #iifym

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Hér fyrir neðan má síðan sjá nokkrar aðrar myndir af Instagram-síðu Amöndu og gætu sumar kaloríutalningarnar komið ykkur á óvart.

Cheers to all the volume eaters out there ? I love low calorie foods to add more volume to your meals without adding very many calories ❤️ These foods also add a lot of fiber too which is a total win. More info below: . 1 cup cherry tomatoes = 27 calories, 4g fiber 1 cup baby broccoli = 30 calories, 2g fiber 1 cup jicama sticks = 46 calories, 6g fiber 1 cup cucumber slices = 16 calories, 0.6g fiber 1 cup whole mushrooms = 21 calories, 1g fiber 10 medium baby carrots = 35 calories, 1.8g fiber . . . . #cleaneating #nutrition #healthyeating #fitfood #protein #healthyfood #mealprep #weightloss #iifym #macros #gains #eatclean #flexibledieting #foodprep #cleaneats #mealplan #glutenfree #healthyliving #carbs #healthychoices #mealprepsunday #supplements #mealprepping #healthylifestyle #whey #slimmingworld #mealprepmonday #muscle #weightlossjourney #lowcarb

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Gimme all the chocolate ? Love this post by @livevitae ❤️ Info below: . All you need is Love and Chocolate Often called a “SuperFood” But Not All ? is Created Equal! — Milk V Dark ? Most of the benefits of Chocolate, are found in Cacao / Dark Chocolate Varieties with No or Min Heat treatment and None or Min Ingredients added Milk Chocolate is more Processed with Milk solids, Cream & Sugar with Fewer Benefits. In general Darker the Better ——— Some Tips with Cacao ?? It contains Caffeine, a small amount but if your Caffeine sensitive this can effect your sleep. Avoiding it a 1-2 hours before bed ?? Contains benefits (Below) but Calories at the same time. Be Mindful ?? Contains High levels of Histamines. People who suffer from Migraines will know to avoid fermented foods for this reason ?? Addictive Properties, Hard to Stop ✋?Having Self and Portion Control ?? Opt for Organic and Fair-trade. The less is More approach. We are in the 21st century and all humans should be Paid and Treated with Respect. Your choices and Money is Powerful by Supporting these Methods ?? Opt for Raw Cacao which keeps intact more the associated Benefits mentioned below — . . . #cacao #chocolate#caloriecounting #sugarfree #freefrom #countingcalories #healthtips #healthbenefits #micronutrients #antioxidants #eatbetternotless #londonfitfam #healthiswealth#nutrition #nutrientdense#foodforfuel #foodsforthought#functionalfood #eatwelllivewell #lowcarbs #foodideas #foodinspo #nosugarpaleoish#rawcacao#healthytips #thenewhealthy#optimalhealth #fitfoodie

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Spot the difference ? Kind of crazy how small changes can really add up! ? Whether you want to add more calories or eat less, here is an example & some of my tips: . Lower cal meal: 2 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled 1 piece Ezekiel toast 1/2 an avocado 1 honey crisp apple . Higher cal meal: 4 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled 1 piece Ezekiel toast 1 whole avocado 1 honey crisp apple 2 tbsp peanut butter . Tips to save calories: Swap out some eggs for egg whites (egg whites are only 17 calories per one) Don’t pack on too much fat (1/2 or 1/4 an avocado is plenty for this meal!) Even though there’s no coffee displayed, watch out for the extra oils or creamer which can add calories too. . Inspired by @movingdietitian . . #healthyfood #breakfast #cleaneating #brunch #lunch #morning #fitfood #dinner #yum #foodpic #eat #tasty #eggs #朝ごはん #weightloss #foodpics #healthychoices #foodgasm #healthybreakfast #nutrition #fresh #eating #healthylifestyle #delish #hungry #healthyeating #fruit #foodblogger #exercise #foodphotography

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on


Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. Mannlíf áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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